
Interface DrawingAPI

The DrawingAPI provides basic functionalities to interact with 2D Drawings created with the help of the ViewerDrawingAPI.



  • Changes one or more properties of a Drawing with the specified id.


    • drawingId: number

      The id of the Drawing.

    • properties: DrawingProperties

      The properties of the Drawing.

    Returns DrawingProperties

    An object with the changed properties.

  • Returns all available Drawing ids.

    Returns number[]

    An Array of all available Drawing ids.

  • Removes a Drawing with the specified id. If a Drawing is part of a Snapshot the removal will fail with the State REFERENCED_BY_SNAPSHOT


    • drawingId: number

      The id of the to be removed Drawing.

    • Optional safe: boolean

      Performs a safe remove which interrupt the removal process if the Drawing is part of one or more Snapshots.

    Returns RemoveState

  • Returns the DrawingData for the specified Drawing id.


    • drawingId: number

      The id of the Drawing from which the data is requested.

    Returns Promise<DrawingData>

    The requested Drawing data.

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