
Interface ClipPlaneAPI



  • Changes one or more properties of a clip plane with the specified id.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      The id of the clip plane you want to change.

    • properties: ClipPlaneProperties

      The properties of the clip plane you want change.

    Returns ClipPlaneProperties

    An Object with the changed Properties.

  • Changes the properties of the clip plane defined by the clipPlaneID with the optional parameters normal, points and name.


    • clipPlaneID: number

      The ID of an existing clip plane which should be changed

    • Optional normal: number[] | Float32Array

      The new normal of the clip plane

    • Optional point: number[] | Float32Array

      An arbitrary new point in space which lies on the clip plane

    • Optional name: string

      The new name for the clip plane

    • Optional thickness: number

      The thickness for the clip plane

    • Optional tangent: number[] | Float32Array

      The tangent of the clip plane

    • Optional disabled: boolean

      The enabled state of the clip plane

    • Optional invisible: boolean

      Invisible on the UI

    • Optional exclusive: boolean

      set the exclusive flag to clip geometry when using exclusiveClipplanes property

    Returns void


    Calling changeClipPlane with single parameters is deprecated, please use ClipPlaneProperties instead.

  • Changes one or more properties of the clip room.


    • Optional properties: ClipRoomProperties

      The properties of the clip room you want change.

    Returns ClipRoomProperties

    An object with the changed properties.

  • Parameters

    • Optional name: string

      The name of the clip room.

    • Optional size: number[] | Float32Array

      The size of the clip room.

    • Optional transformation: number[] | Float32Array

      The transformation of the clip room.

    • Optional disabled: boolean

      The disabled state of the clip room.

    • Optional invisible: boolean

      The invisible state of the clip room.

    Returns ClipRoomProperties

    An object with the changed properties.


    Calling changeClippingRoom with single parameters is deprecated, please use ClipRoomProperties instead.

    Changes one or more properties of the clip room.

  • Creates a clip room around the box volume of the specified node.


    • target: number | number[]

      ID(s) of the target Node(s).

    Returns void

  • Experimental

    Generates capping geometry for the surface that is cut by the clip plane. The generated surfaces allow measurements and all other operations which can be performed on usual geometry.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      the id of the clip plane

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Creates a new clip plane.


    Returns number

    The id of the newly created clip plane.

  • Creates a clip plane defined by the plane’s normal, positioned at an optional point (otherwise at the world space origin) and an optional name. Returns the ID of the clip plane.


    • Optional normal: number[] | Float32Array

      The normal of the clip plane

    • Optional point: number[] | Float32Array

      An arbitrary point in space which lies on the clip plane

    • Optional name: string

      The name of the clip plane

    • Optional thickness: number

      The thickness of the clip plane

    • Optional tangent: number[] | Float32Array

      The tangent of the clip plane

    • Optional disabled: boolean

      The state of the clip plane

    • Optional invisible: boolean

      Invisible on the UI

    • Optional exclusive: boolean

      set the exclusive flag to clip geometry when using exclusiveClipplanes property

    Returns number

    The ID of the newly created clip plane


    Calling createClipPlane with single parameters is deprecated, please use ClipPlaneProperties instead.

  • Creates a new clip room.


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional name: string

      The name of the clip room.

    • Optional size: number[] | Float32Array

      The size of the clip room.

    • Optional transformation: number[] | Float32Array

      The transformation of the clip room.

    • Optional disabled: boolean

      The disabled state of the clip room.

    • Optional invisible: boolean

      The invisible state of the clip room.

    Returns void


    Calling createClippingRoom with single parameters is deprecated, please use ClipRoomProperties instead.

    Creates a new clip room.

  • Experimental

    Disables the generated capping geometry.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      the id of the clip plane

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Experimental

    Enables the generated capping geometry.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      the id of the clip plane

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns the ids of all available clip planes.

    Returns number[]

    The ids of all available clip planes.

  • Returns the id the clip room.

    Returns number

    The id the clip room.

  • Experimental

    Removes the generated capping geometry.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      the id of the clip plane

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Removes a clip room with the specified id.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      The id of the clip room you want to remove.

    • Optional safe: boolean

      Performs a safe remove which interrupt the removal process if the ClipPlane is part of one or more Snapshots.

    Returns RemoveState

  • Removes the clip room from the scene and all related Snapshots.


    • Optional safe: boolean

      Performs a safe remove which interrupt the removal process if the ClipRoom is part of one or more Snapshots.

    Returns RemoveState

  • Returns the ClipPlaneData for the specified clip plane id.


    • clipPlaneId: number

      The id of the clip plane you want to request the data for.

    Returns Promise<ClipPlaneProperties>

    The requested clip plane data.

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