The AnimationAPI provides basic functionalities to define keyframe-based animation sequences.
An animation sequence defines a gradual change from one node state to another, whereby a single
state is defined by an AnimationFrame which includes different properties to specify the
transformation and appearance of a node at that point in time. An animation sequence is independent
of a specific node and can be applied to multiple nodes with different AnimationOptions.
// Get an instance of the ContextAPI constmyContext : ContextAPI = webvis.getContext( "example" )
// Create a simple animation sequence which does a full rotation around the Y-axis myContext.createAnimationFrames( "rotate" , [ { rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ] }, { rotation: [ 0, 180, 0 ] }, { rotation: [ 0, 360, 0 ] } ]);
// Apply the animation sequence to an InstanceGraph node with a total duration of 1000ms myContext.setProperty( 1, "animation", { name :"rotate", duration :1000, });
Animation sequences that include transformations and are applied to a leaf node cannot yet be visualized by the viewer.
The AnimationAPI provides basic functionalities to define keyframe-based animation sequences. An animation sequence defines a gradual change from one node state to another, whereby a single state is defined by an AnimationFrame which includes different properties to specify the transformation and appearance of a node at that point in time. An animation sequence is independent of a specific node and can be applied to multiple nodes with different AnimationOptions.
Animation sequences that include transformations and are applied to a leaf node cannot yet be visualized by the viewer.