
Enumeration Property

The properties a Node can have.

Enumeration Members

ACTIVATABLE: "activatable"
ANIMATION: "animation"
ATTACHMENT: "attachment"
AUX_CONTENT: "auxContent"
AUX_ENABLED: "auxEnabled"
AUX_NODES: "auxNodes"
CHILDREN: "children"
COMPARISON_GROUP: "comparisonGroup"
DEPTH: "depth"
ENABLED: "enabled"
GHOSTED: "ghosted"

Property GHOSTED is experimental and may be changed in the next release.

GLOBAL_TRANSFORM: "globalTransform"
GLOBAL_VOLUME: "globalVolume"
HAS_AUX_STRUCTURE: "hasAuxStructure"
HAS_VARIANTS: "hasVariants"
HIDDEN: "hidden"
INFO_STATE: "infoState"

Property INFO_STATE is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use STATE instead.

LABEL: "label"
LOCAL_TRANSFORM: "localTransform"
LOCAL_VOLUME: "localVolume"
MODEL_VIEWS: "modelViews"
NAMES: "names"
NODE_REPRESENTATION: "nodeRepresentation"
OUTLINED: "outlined"

Property OUTLINE is experimental and may be changed in the next release.

PARENT: "parent"
PICKABLE: "pickable"
REAL: "real"
REAL_OCCLUDER: "realOccluder"
RENDER_MODE: "renderMode"
RESOURCE_STATE: "resourceState"

Property RESOURCE_STATE is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use STATE instead.

SELECTED: "selected"
STATE: "state"
SUBTYPE: "subType"
TYPE: "type"
USER_DATA: "userData"

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