URN Mapper Configuration


System configuration is changed via the provided values.yaml file. The datapools section defines mapping rules for each external data source the system can connect to. By default, no rules are active except for any predefined examples provided as part of the installation.


The default example rules cannot be disabled (even if removed from configuration) and are only part of the configuration as examples.

# Set data pools for external data sources. These define how data is accessed or
# how inputs should be rewritten. The system will attempt to download data from
# the given URLTemplate and use the data as input for transcoding.
# Either URN or regex must be set. URN provides a more simplified way to define
# abstract identifiers for data sources. Regex allows for more complex matching
# of URLs.
# For URN templates, ${n} is the n-th value in the URN separated after
# urn:namespace:specifier:xxx
# e.g.: urn:x-i3d:shape:sphere (${1} == sphere)
# For regex templates, ${n} is the n-th capture group value in the regex.
# Capture groups are defined by parentheses in the regex.
  - urn: urn:x-i3d:shape
    urlContentType: # optional
      - "x3d-xml"
    urlTemplate: http://i3dhub-entrygw:8080/repo/shapes/${1}.x3d

To define a new rule, you can add a new custom entry in the datapools section:

  - urn: urn:customer:document-uuid
    urlContentType: # optional
      - "openjt"
    urlTemplate: https://download.example.com/documents/${1}.jt
    authUrlTemplate: https://auth.example.com/documents/${1}.jt # optional

This will create a new URN in the form of urn:customer:document-uuid:12345 which will then internally resolve to https://download.example.com/documents/12345.jt.

Below is an example that uses a regex pattern instead of a URN for the datapools configuration:

  - regex: "https://example.com/(.*)"
    urlContentType: # optional
      - "openjt"
    urlTemplate: https://example.com/rewritten/${1}.jt # optional
    authUrlTemplate: https://auth.example.com/${1}.jt # optional

This will match URLs in the form of https://example.com/somepath and internally resolve them to https://example.com/rewritten/somepath.jt. Allowed syntax can be found here. The examples above include a separate authUrlTemplate. This is optional. Please see the values.yaml for further information how to set forwardCookies and forwardHeaders to pass information required for your authorization implementation.

Mapping Logic


The mapping logic was simplified and extended in version 3.10. The previous versions used an order independent implementation. The newer version uses a first-match approach, regardless of URN or regex match.

The mapper itself applies very simple logic to resolve a URN or regex to a URL:

  1. Iterate over the datapool configration, picking the first matching rule. A match is defined as either a URN prefix match or regex match.

  2. If the match is a regex-based rule:

    1. The regex pattern is matched against the incoming URL, and capture groups are assigned to ${1}, ${2}, ${3}

    2. If a urlTemplate is provided, replace any ${n} values in the given urlTemplate by their values parsed from the regex match.

    3. If the urlTemplate is not provided, the incoming URL is used as the result.

    4. If an authUrlTemplate is provided, replace any ${n} values in the given authUrlTemplate by their values parsed from the regex match.

    5. If the authUrlTemplate is not provided, the urlTemplate is used for the auth URL as well.

    6. If forwardHeaders or forwardCookies is set, the headers or cookies from the incoming request are forwarded to the auth URL.

  3. If the match is a URN-based rule:

    1. Arguments are split (separated by :) following the matched prefix and assigning to ${1}, ${2}, ${3}

    2. ${n} values in the required urlTemplate are replaced by their values parsed from the URN.

    3. If an authUrlTemplate is provided, replace any ${n} values in the given authUrlTemplate by their values parsed from the URN.

    4. If the authUrlTemplate is not provided, the urlTemplate is used for the auth URL as well.

    5. If forwardHeaders or forwardCookies is set, the headers or cookies from the incoming request are forwarded to the auth URL.

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