
Interface InteractionAPI

The InteractionAPI provides functionalities to control the current interaction behavior by switching between different predefined interaction modes.


// Activate the predefined mode to perform a double measurement.

// Leave the double measurement mode and switch back to the default interaction behaviour.



  • Checks if the color comparison mode is active.

    Returns boolean

    true if the color comparison mode is active, otherwise false.

  • Triggers an interaction on the current active interaction mode.


    • interactionData: InteractionData

      Definition of the triggered Interaction.

    Returns void

  • Sets the current interaction mode back to the Default mode.


    • Optional keepColorCompareActive: boolean

      Specifies if the color comparison mode should stay active. (Default: false)

    Returns void

  • Set the current interaction mode.


    • mode: string | string[]

      Specifies the interaction mode you want set.

    • Optional keepColorCompareActive: boolean

      Specifies if the color comparison mode should stay active. (Default: false)

    Returns void


    Calling setInteractionMode with the mode parameter of type string or string[] is deprecated, please use the InteractionMode enum instead.

  • Set the current interaction mode.


    • mode: InteractionMode

      Specifies the interaction mode you want set.

    • Optional keepColorCompareActive: boolean

      Specifies if the color comparison mode should stay active. (Default: false)

    Returns void

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