XRImageResolutionProfile# webVis API Reference XRImageResolutionProfile Enumeration XRImageResolutionProfile The XRImageResolutionProfile specifies which resolution a requested images should have. The available options are low resolution (LOW_RES) and native resolution (NATIVE). Index Enumeration Members LOW_RES NATIVE Enumeration Members LOW_RES LOW_RES: "lowRes" This will request images with a low resolution. NATIVE NATIVE: "native" This will request images with the native resolution. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Thank you for rating this page! Any issues or feedback? What kind of problem would you like to report? This page needs code samples Code samples do not work Information is missing Please tell us more about what's wrong: Information is incorrect Please tell us more about what's wrong: Information is unclear or confusing Please tell us more about what's wrong: The page is rendered incorrectly (styling/CSS) Give Feedback Please tell us more about what's wrong: Name E-Mail Problem (required)
The XRImageResolutionProfile specifies which resolution a requested images should have. The available options are low resolution (LOW_RES) and native resolution (NATIVE).