Collections store groups of nodes. They can be created empty or from a list of nodes.
There is also the way to create a collection by searching nodes matching a given property.
Adds the node given by nodeID to the collection with id collectionID. If recursive is true,
the descendants of the node are also added. Returns the number of nodes in the collection.
collectionID: number
Specifies to which collection the node should be added
nodeID: number
Specifies which node should be added to the collection
Optional recursive: boolean
Specifies if the children of the node should also be added to the collection
Returns void
createCollection(nodeIDlist?: number[]): number
Returns the id of a new collection containing the nodes from the given list.
Optional nodeIDlist: number[]
An array of node id's from which a new node collection should be created.
Returns number
The id of the newly created node collection.
createCollection(): number
Creates a new, empty collection and returns its id.
Finds nodes within the given BoxVolume (created using the createBoxVolume() function).
If includeOverlappingNodes is false, only nodes fully contained by the box volume are returned.
The rootNodeID specifies the node from which the subtree is searched.
Collections store groups of nodes. They can be created empty or from a list of nodes. There is also the way to create a collection by searching nodes matching a given property.